Wireless networks at TTI
eduroam is the network for all employees with personal devices, visiting academic affiliates from an eduroam-participating institution, and extended-duration guests to use when connecting to the network. Authentication is accomplished via 802.1X with an eduroam-recognized username (typically username@institution.edu) and password, or a certificate installed on the computer or mobile device. The TTI authentication server performs authentication for all @tti.tamu.edu users and forwards all other requests to the eduroam Top-Level RADIUS Server (TLRS) for routing to the member’s home institution.
TTI_Guest is the network for guests to TTI facilities that are sponsored by a TTI employee. Authentication is accomplished via splash page authentication via an access code delivered by SMS to the guest’s cell phone.
Extended-duration guests who do not have credentials from an eduroam-participating institution may register their device through Anyroam at www.anyroam.net to avoid daily authentication. A one-year certificate will be installed on their device that will provide access to the eduroam network.
TTI_WiFi is the main TTI network that establishes a connection to the TTI servers, similar to an ethernet connection or VPN. Authentication is established with a TTI-recognized email (j-doe@tti.tamu.edu) and password.